Buccal Fat Removal

What is Buccal Fat & Buccal Fat Removal Surgery?

Many individuals dislike their “baby face” or “chipmunk cheeks” and want to achieve a more defined appearance. The issue is typically caused by the buccal pat pads, located in the cheek which we’re all born with For some, these fat pads are simply more prominent, and their face can look more round than others. Buccal fat pad removal surgery or buccal lipectomy is the removal of this fat cheeks to improve facial contour and provide the patient with a more sculpted look. Buccal fat is typically notoriously unresponsive to diet and exercise and, in order to achieve improved contour in the lower face, most patients will require the fat to be surgically removed. Nonetheless, it is a very safe procedure that Dr.Shalu Punj routinely performs – plus it is effective and provides long-lasting results. Plus, there is no visible scarring, as the incisions are made inside of the mouth.

Method Of Fat Removal

The procedure can be performed underlocal or general anesthesia, depending on the patient and doctor’s preference. In order to access the fat pads, Dr. Shalu will make a small incision on the cheekinside the mouth, so scarring will not be visible. Then, the doctor will physically extract the fatty deposits from the inside of the cheeks, whichseparate easilyfrom the other facial structures. The incision will be closed, and the other side of the mouth will receive the same process. The procedure takes approximately30-45 minutes to complete. Since the fat pads are located in the face, they cannot be removedusing liposuction.

Dr. Shalu will carefully separate the muscle from the buccal fat pad, remove the fat pad, and trim it to the ideal size for the patient’s facial structure. Because removing too much buccal fat can lead to a gaunt appearance ,Dr. Shalu takes a conservative approach and may recommend additional facial plastic surgery procedures or non-invasive treatments such as injectable fillers to create proportion amongst the facial features.


After the surgery, the patients can observe swelling in the face but such inflammations reduce and dissipate within the period of two to three weeks. When the swelling reduces, the facial proportions become more prominent and the face looks slimmer. About seven to ten days are needed for the facial tissues to recover after the completion of the buccal fat removal surgery. Swelling can also be controlled with an ice pack. During this time, the patient may be restricted in terms of the kinds of food that they can eat and exercise. Within this period, the patients are advised to intake food in semi-liquid condition especially for a few days after the surgery.


Following a buccal fat removal procedure, patients will experience improved definition in their cheeks, a more mature appearance, and overall enhanced, personalized results.

Good candidates

Patients concerned about the appearance of excess lower facial fat may be good candidates for buccal fat pad removal. Buccal fat removal surgery is an effective way to slim the face. providing patients with amore contoured and chiselled appearance. It is important that the patient is healthy and has realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure.

Additional procedures

Buccal fat removal can be performed in conjunction with other surgeries or treatments in order to further enhance the contour and definition of the face. In general, patients with already round faces may want to avoid traditional sculpting methods, such as dermal fillers.

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