About Dr Divya Jyoti Sharma
Dr Divya Jyoti Sharma is a passionate senior neurosurgeon delivering exceptional care and streamlined medical and surgical solutions to the patients. Trained in one of India’s premiere institute, GB Pant hospital, Delhi, by renowned neurosurgeons, he is a dedicated neurosurgeon with vast experience in complex brain and spine surgeries and is well versed with clinical and neurosurgical skills and has 15 years of surgical experience. After his neurosurgical training he has worked as consultant neurosurgeon at BLK super-specialty hospital and Max Patparganj Hospital. He is passionate in providing minimally invasive, surgical treatment to his patients using latest surgical technology. Associated with Neurological society of india (NSI) and neurosurgical society of India(NSSI) , Dr Sharma keeps himself updated of the newer vistas in his field. He is an active member of Delhi Neurological association.
An expert of managing cervical spondylosis, low backache, spine injuries, degenerative spine disease such as disc prolapsed and lumbar spondylosis, brain tumors, head injury, stroke, headaches, trigeminal neuralgia, carpal tunnel syndrome and other peripheral nerve disorders. As a neuro specialist he patiently listens to each patient, examines and helps the patient to understand the problem, treatment options and delivers the best care possible.
He has operated upon more than 1000 cranial cases such as brain tumors, head injury, CSF diversions, intracerebral hematomas and cerebrovascular surgeries.
He has done 1000+ spine surgeries including spinal trauma, spinal tumors, spinal infections and degenerative spine disease (cervical, dorsal and lumbar) and has special interest in skull base and spine surgery.